Q1. What is Khamelia?

Gabriel Ungureanu, CEO

The Khamelia Adaptive Business Toolset is a suite of online business modules that most companies across multiple industries can use in order to manage, support and run their projects and activities. These tools include project, task, timesheet, document, time tracking and invoice management. We have many other modules that are in development or in the pipeline which will aid businesses in their day-to-day operations.

The Khamelia architecture is based on our proprietary framework. We looked at the Microsoft .NET framework, and we appreciated its design. We wanted the Khamelia Advanced Business Framework to have the same characteristics: standardized large code library, flexible, robust, with high integration capabilities in order to support many modules.

Sandeep Agarwal, CIO

The development of the Khamelia system is very important. We want Khamelia to be around for a long time. For it to do that, we decided to develop this system with longevity and adaptability in mind, in order to maintain competitiveness for decades to come. That is why we decided on the C# programing language, the mvc pattern, and the framework architecture. We wanted to develop khamelia from the ground-up ourselves, so that we know what is in the code, have full control of the programming, to enable fast and lean development of the complete system.

Adrian Bogdan, COO

Khamelia, once on the cloud, will be a mission-critical system. It will be the foundation, the rock, of many companies world-wide. We will ask our customers to move their operations on Khamelia. In order to do that, we need to make sure that Quality is infused in the DNA of Khamelia. Every aspect of Khamelia will exude/emanate confidence, elegance, and quality; from the front-end user interface, all the way to the back-end computations. We want Khamelia to be intuitive, so the user does not have to fumble around within the system, nor require extensive/advanced training. Khamelia will be helpful, useful, and dependable.

Q2. What is the cloud?

A. The 'cloud' can be quite a few things, but for Khamelia, the cloud is actually SaaS offering on Microsoft Azure platform. SaaS stands for Software as a Service, which basically means that to our customers, Khamelia software is a centralized system on Azure, and it can be accessed by the users from anywhere in the world.

Q3. What is 'on-premise' vs 'cloud'?

A. An on-premise system is a system that is installed on the customer’s infrastructure, on a customer's equipment, which means only that particular customer has access to that instance. The system is on their 'property', available only to that customer.

When a system is on the cloud, it means that the system is hosted on a cloud services provider server farm, and now that system can host multiple instances, which means that it can be used by many customers anywhere in the world. The two main cloud services providers are Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, both certified by US Department of Defense.

Q4. What is a project lifecycle?

Projects have different scopes and deliverables, mostly based on the industry for that particular project. Based on the scope and deliverables for a project, it dictates what project phases it will implement. A project lifecycle is a set of phases and activities that a project will follow. For example, construction projects usually follow the Waterfall lifecycle, while a software development project will follow the Agile lifecycle.